VSO-BB, senior secondary school
The VSO department at De Groote Aard consists of a junior (OB) and senior (BB) department.
The VSO-BB (senior) department consists of three groups of pupils with the outflow destination daytime activities or (sheltered) employment. Here, pupils are educated from age 15/16 to 18-20 at the most. Most pupils leave Special Education around the time they turn 18. A few pupils need an extension of 1 or 2 extra years. They leave education at the age of 20.
Pupils go on work placements on alternating days and are taught in small groups. This makes it easier to tailor the curriculum to individual pupils. The education is strongly focused on increasing the pupils' employee skills, communication skills and knowledge skills, self-reliance, social efficacy and social skills within the framework of living, working, leisure and citizenship, with an explicit transfer to their after-school situation.
Within the various subgroups, pupils gain work experience while learning to work on location both internally and outside school at learning-working companies in the region. From job training placements, they move on to work placements and work towards a concrete target.