Complaints scheme
De Groote Aard has a complaint regulation through KempenKind.
Within that framework, two confidential consultants have been appointed:
Roy Ploegmakers
06-480 88 77 4
Annelies Spitz
06-336 468 87
Website of external confidential advisors:
A complaint may relate to any aspect of education. We expect parents, caregivers or pupils to first discuss a complaint with the staff member and/or school management concerned. If the complaint is not resolved satisfactorily, an appeal can be made to the school management. If no satisfactory solution is found by mutual agreement, the legally required complaints procedure can be used. This has been adopted by the school board. According to this scheme, anyone dealing with the school can submit a complaint in writing. The brochure ‘A good conversation prevents worse’ is available from the contact persons.
The school itself has appointed two contact persons, who can independently assist someone with a complaint in the procedure. They also provide initial support. They will not actively intervene, but only direct you to the pathway. For this you can contact:
- Yvonne Loos, via e-mail: of via Social Schools
- Daniëlle Huuskes, via e-mail: of via Social Schools
Contact addresses for complaint reports about sexual harassment, sexual abuse, serious psychological or physical violence:
- Meldpunt vertrouwensinspecteurs / Confidential Inspectors' hotline
0900-1113111 (local rate) - Landelijke klachtencommissie VBKO / National complaints committee Education
Address: Postbus 82324 2508 EH Den Haag - Telephone: 070-3568114