Parents / caregivers
The input of parents and/or caregivers is indispensable in today's education system. Together, we are faced with the task of guiding your child to the most attainable future.
A child's Ontwikkelingsperspectiefplan (OPP) (Development Perspective Plan) is therefore always drawn up in consultation with parents. We also have contact with parents and/or caregivers at other important moments.
Via parent meetings, information evenings, viewing days, reports and a portfolio report, we keep you informed of your child's developments. We also hope that parents and caregivers will come to us with comments and questions that are important for our education.
In addition to individual contacts, the school also considers it important to hear from parents/caregivers about the organisation and quality of our education. De Groote Aard regularly gauges parents' opinions on the quality of education. Through a questionnaire and interviews, we try to make this insightful.
Parents/caregivers can become structurally involved in the school in three ways: participating in decision-making, thinking along with the school and participating by helping at activities.
In the Participation Council 'MR' (Medezeggenschapsraad), parents have a legal right to consent and to advise on the school's policy plans.
The school council is an advisory body for the management.
The parents in our activities committee are committed to organising extra activities for the pupils in our school.